Module 1 - Introduction to Web Development
Module 2 - HTML
Introduction to HTML
Basic Structure of HTML
Attributes in HTML
Headings in HTML
Paragraphs in HTML
Bold Italic and Underline in HTML
Superscript and Subscript in HTML
Big and Small Test in HTML
Font face size and color in HTML
Line Break and Horizontal Line in HTML
Preformatted Text in HTML
Deleted or Overline Text in HTML
Emphasized marked and inserted Text in HTML
Creating Links in HTML
External Linking in HTML
Internal Linking in HTML
Image Linking in HTML
Image Map Linking
Insert Image in HTML
Relative and Absolute Path
Using List
Ordered List
Unordered List
Data List
Nested List
Introduction of Form
Form Input Controls
Form Selection Controls
Buttons in Form
Field set and legend
Introduction to Frameset
Using Frameset and frame
Basic iframe Syntax
Attributes of iframe
audio in html
video in html
embed in html
Module 3 - CSS
Benefits of CSS
CSS Versions History
Inline Style Sheets
Internal stylesheet
External Stylesheet
Element Selector
Class Selector
ID Selector
Pseudo Selector
Group Selector
Sub Selectors
Universal Selectors
Attribute Selectors
Background Properties
Border Properties
Classification and Positioning Properties
Dimension Properties
Font Properties
List Properties
Margin Properties
Outline Properties
Padding Properties
Table Properties
Module 4 - Bootstrap
Module 5 - Java Script
Overview of JavaScript
History and evolution
Use cases and applications
Variables and constants
Data types
Variables and constants
JS Operators
Declaring and invoking functions
Function expressions vs. function declarations
Arrow functions
Function scope and closures
JS Mouse Events
JS Keyboard Events
JS Form Events
JS Window Events
JS Document Events
JS Touch Events (for mobile devices)
JS Drag Events
JS Clipboard Events
JS Media Events
JS Animation Events
JS Transition Events
JS Focus Events
Creating and manipulating arrays
Array methods
Multidimensional arrays
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Selecting DOM elements
Manipulating DOM elements (changing content, styles, attributes)
Event handling
Module 6 - JQuery
Module 7 - MySQL
Overview of MySQL and its features
History and development of MySQL
Comparison with other database management systems
Installing MySQL server and client
Configuring MySQL server settings
Setting up users and permissions
Data types supported by MySQL
Overview of MySQL and its features
History and development of MySQL
Comparison with other database management systems
Installing MySQL server and client
Configuring MySQL server settings
Setting up users and permissions
Data types supported by MySQL
Display list of Tables
Creating Tables
Altering Existing Table
Delete Exiting table
Defining constraints
Relationships between tables
Type Relationships
Display All data from table
Display selected Column from table
Colum aliasing
Display Distinct values
Apply limit to display data
Display the in ascending order
Display the in descending order
using where clause to filter data
operators used in where clause
Natural Join
Inner join
outer join
cross join
using GROUP BY clause
Using Having Clause
String Functions
Numeric Functions
Date and Time Functions
Mathematical Functions
Aggregate Functions
Control Flow Functions
JSON Functions
Encryption and Hashing Functions
Bitwise Functions
Spatial Functions
Import Database
Export database
Module 8 - PHP
Module 9 - AJAX