Module 1 - MS Office
Computer and Latest IT gadgets
Evolution of Computers and its applications
IT gadgets and their applications
Basics of Hardware and Software
Central Processing Unit
Input devices
Output devices
Computer Memory and storage
Application Software
Systems Software
Utility Software
Open source and Proprietary Software
Mobile Apps
Operating System
Functions of an Operating System
Types of Operating System
Operating Systems for Mobile and Desktop
Language Processors
Utilities of Operating System
Element of Operating System GUI
Running an Application
Operating System Simple Setting
Using Mouse and Changing its Properties
Changing System Date and Time
Changing Display Properties
To Add or Remove Program and Features
Adding, Removing & Sharing Printers
File and Folder Management
Types of file Extensions
Linux Operating System
Linux Commands
Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing Package
Element of Writer Window
Creating a New Document
Opening and Closing Documents
Save and Save As
Using The Help
Page Setup
Page Layout
Print Preview
Printing of Documents
Saving a Document as PDF file
Text Creation and manipulation
Document Creation
Editing Text
Text Selection
Cut, Copy and Paste
Font Color
Style and Size selection
Alignment of Text
Undo and Redo
Spelling and Grammar
Find and Replace
Formatting the Text
Creating and using user defined Styles
Paragraph Indentation
Bullets and Numbering
Change case
Header and Footer
Table Manipulation
Insert and Draw Table
Changing cell width and height
Alignment of Text in cell
Insertion and Deletion of Row
Merging and Splitting Cells
Border and Shading
Mail Merge
Table of Contents
Adding Comments
Tracking changes
Introduction of Spread Sheet
Creating of Spread Sheet
Concept of Cell Address
Selecting a Cell
Entering Data in Cell
Page Setup
Printing of Sheet
Saving Spreadsheet
Opening and Closing
Manipulation of Cells and Sheet
Modifying / Editing Cell Content
Formatting Cell
Cut, Copy, Paste
Paste Special
Changing Cell Height and Width
Inserting and Deleting Rows
Sorting & Filtering
Freezing panes
Functions and Charts
Using Formulas for Numbers
Advanced Filter
What-if Analysis
Charts (Bar, Column, Pie, Line)
Creation of Presentation
Creating a Presentation Using a Template
Creating a Blank Presentation
Inserting & Editing Text on Slides
Inserting and Deleting Slides
Saving a Presentation
Manipulating Slides
Inserting Table
Adding ClipArt Pictures
Inserting Other Objects
Resizing and Scaling an Object
Creating & using Master Slide
Presentation of Slides
Choosing a Set Up for Presentation
Running a Slide Show
Transition and Slide Timings
Automating a Slide Show
Enhancing Text Presentation
Working with Color and Line Style
Adding Movie and Sound
Adding Headers
Footers and Notes
Printing Slides and Handouts
Basic of Computer Networks
Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Network Topology
Concept of Internet & WWW
Applications of Internet
Website Address and URL
Introduction to IP Address
ISP and Role of ISP
Internet Protocol
Modes of Connecting Internet
Identifying and uses of IP/MAC/IMEI
Popular Web Browsers
Exploring the Internet
Surfing the web
Popular Search Engines
Searching on Internet
Downloading Web Pages
Printing Web Pages
Module 2 - C Programming
Introduction to C
Character set in C
Tokens in C
Keywords in C
Identifiers in C
Constants in C
Variables in C
Datatype in C
Operators in C
Operators Precedence and Associativity
Type Casting
Input Output in C
Variables in C
Datatype in C
Operators in C
Operators Precedence and Associativity
Type Casting
Input Output in C
Introduction to Conditional Statement
If Statement
if else statement
Nested if Else Statement
Else if Ladder Statement
Switch Case Statement
Introduction to Loops
For Loop
While Loop
do while Loop
Nested loops
Introduction to Jumping Statement
Break Statement
Continue Statement
goto Statement
Return Statement
Basic of Array
One Dimensional Array
Searching in Array
Sorting in Array
Two dimensional arrays
String in C
String Library Functions
Function Definition
Function Declaration
Type of Function
Call By Value
Call By Reference
Basics of Pointers
Passing Reference to Function
Passing Array to function
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Pointer of Structure
Basics of Structures
Arrays of Structures
Nested Structures
Pointers to Structures
Passing Structure to Function
Introduction to File Handling
Opening and Closing Files
Input Output Operations on Files
Predefined Streams
Random Access to Files
Module 3 - Object Oriented Programming with C++
History and Evolution of C++
Setting up the Development Environment
Writing and Running a Simple C++ Program
Basic Syntax: Structure of a C++ Program
Primitive Data Types
Constants and Variables
Type Conversions
Input and Output (cin, cout)
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Bitwise Operators
Increment and Decrement Operator
Conditional Operators
Special Operators
Operator Precedence and Associativity
if Statement
If Else Statement
Else if Ladder
Nested if else Statement
Switch Case Statement
Loop introduction
for loop
while loop
do while loop
Nested loop
Break and Continue Statement
Goto Statement
Function Prototypes and Definitions
Function Parameters and Return Types
Scope of Variables
Inline Functions
Types of Function
Call by Value Call by Reference
One dimensional array
Two Dimensional Array
Character Array (String)
Understanding Pointers
Pointer Arithmetic
Pointers to Pointers
References and Reference Variables
Dynamic Memory Allocation (new and delete)
Pointers and Arrays
Defining and Using Structures
Nested Structures
Arrays of Structures
Pointers to Structures
Introduction to OOP
Benefits of OOP
Difference Between Procedural and OPP
Defining Class
Creating Object
Class as User Define Datatype
Scope Resolution Operator
Accessing Data Member
Default Constructor
Parametrized Constructor
Copy Constructor
Constructor Overloading
Destructor in C++
Function Overloading
Operator Overloading
Friend Functions
Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Function Overriding
Abstract Class
Virtual Functions
File Streams
Reading from and Writing to Files
File Modes
Binary File I/O
Random Access to Files
Basics of Exception Handling
try, catch, throw Statements
Standard Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Module 4 - Data Structure
Role of Algorithms
Role of Data Structures
Types of Data Structures
Techniques for Designing Algorithms
Efficiency of an Algorithm
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Introduction to Array
Types of Array
Single Dimension Array
Operation on 1D Array
Operation on 2D Array
Introduction to Linked List
Types of Linked List
Implementation of Singly Linked List
Implementation of Doubly Linked List
Implementation of Circular Linked List
introduction of Stack
Implementing Stack using Array
Implementing Stack using Linked List
Application of Stack
Introduction to Queue
Implementing Queue using Array
Implementing Queue using Linked List
Application of Queue
Introduction to Tree
Tree Terminology
Type of Trees
Implementing Binary Tree
Implementing Binary Search Tree
Implementing Height Balance Tree (AVL)
Introduction of Graph
Terminology of Graph
Types of Graph
Implementation of Graph
Operation on Graph
Application of Graph
Linear Searching
Binary Searching
Bubble Sort
Selection sort
Insertion Sort
Shell Sort
Quick Sort
Merge Sort
Radix sort
Module 5 - Java Programming
Object Oriented Programming System
Principle of OOps
Features of JAVA
Types of Programs
Compilation Process
Byte Code
Java Virtual Machine
Java Development Kit
APIs (Library Support)
Structure of a Java Program
Benefits of OOPS
Character Set
Constants and Literals
Punctuators and Separators
Data Types
Variable Scope
Arithmetic Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Assignment Operators
Ternary Operators
Statement in JAVA
Math Class
Decision Control Structure
If Statement
If else Statement
Nested if else statement
Else if Ladder Statement
Switch case Statement
For Loop
variations in for Loop
While Loop
do While loop
Nested for Loop
Labels and branching Statements
Break and Continue Statement
String Handling
Creating String Explicitly
Functions of the String Class
StringBuffer Class
Comparison between string and StringBuffer
String Array
String Tokenizer
Methods or Functions
Need of Methods
Advantages of Methods
Types of Methods
Method Definition
Creating objects
Execution of Method
Calling Method through Objects
Parameters and Arguments
Return Statement
Need for Constructors
Types of Constructors
Constructor Overloading
Copy Constructor
Module 6 - Python
Python Introduction
Technical Strength of Python
Introduction to Python Interpreter
identifiers and variables
Keywords in Python
Constants in Python
Accepting input from Console
Printing Statements
Built in Data types
Numbers in Python
Simple Python programs
Arithmetic Operation in Python
Relational Operator in Python
Logical Operator in Python
Bitwise operators in Python
Assignment Operators in Python
if Statement in Python
if else in Pythpn
if elif else in Python
range function
While Statement
For loop
break statement
Continue Statement
Pass statement
User Defined Function
Local variables
the Return statement
Global Scope
Default argument
Keyword Arguments
VarArgs parameters
Concept of Files
File opening in various modes
Reading from a file
Writing onto a file
File functions
Handling TXT File
Handling Binary File
Handling CSV file