Module 1 - Information Technology Tools And Network Basics
Computer and Latest IT gadgets
Evolution of Computers and its applications
IT gadgets and their applications
Basics of Hardware and Software
Central Processing Unit
Input devices
Output devices
Computer Memory and storage
Application Software
Systems Software
Mobile Apps
Operating System
Functions of an Operating System
Types of Operating System
Operating Systems for Mobile and Desktop
Language Processors
Utilities of Operating System
Element of Operating System GUI
Running an Application
Operating System Simple Setting
Using Mouse and Changing its Properties
Changing System Date and Time
Changing Display Properties
To Add or Remove Program and Features
Adding, Removing & Sharing Printers
File and Folder Management
Types of file Extensions
Linux Operating System
Linux Commands
DOS Command
Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing Package
Element of Writer Window
Creating a New Document
Opening and Closing Documents
Creating new document using template
Save and Save As
Using The Help
Page Setup
Page Layout
Print Preview
Printing of Documents
Saving a Document as PDF file
Text Creation and manipulation
Document Creation
Editing Text
Text Selection
Cut, Copy and Paste
Font Color
Style and Size selection
Alignment of Text
Undo and Redo
Spelling and Grammar
Find and Replace
Formatting the Text
Creating and using user defined Styles
Paragraph Indentation
Bullets and Numbering
Change case
Header and Footer
Table Manipulation
Insert and Draw Table
Changing cell width and height
Alignment of Text in cell
Insertion and Deletion of Row
Merging and Splitting Cells
Border and Shading
Mail Merge
Table of Contents
Adding Comments
Tracking changes
Introduction of Spread Sheet
Creating of Spread Sheet
Concept of Cell Address
Selecting a Cell
Entering Data in Cell
Page Setup
Printing of Sheet
Saving Spreadsheet
Opening and Closing
Manipulation of Cells and Sheet
Modifying / Editing Cell Content
Formatting Cell
Cut, Copy, Paste
Paste Special
Changing Cell Height and Width
Inserting and Deleting Rows
Sorting & Filtering
Freezing panes
Functions and Charts
Using Formulas for Numbers
Advanced Filter
Database Functions
What-if Analysis
Pivot table
Charts (Bar, Column, Pie, Line)
Creation of Presentation
Creating a Presentation Using a Template
Creating a Blank Presentation
Inserting & Editing Text on Slides
Inserting and Deleting Slides
Saving a Presentation
Manipulating Slides
Inserting Table
Adding ClipArt Pictures
Inserting Other Objects
Resizing and Scaling an Object
Creating & using Master Slide
Presentation of Slides
Choosing a Set Up for Presentation
Running a Slide Show
Transition and Slide Timings
Automating a Slide Show
Providing Aesthetics to Slides
Enhancing Text Presentation
Working with Color and Line Style
Adding Movie and Sound
Adding Headers
Footers and Notes
Printing Slides and Handouts
Basic of Computer Networks
Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Network Topology
Concept of Internet & WWW
Applications of Internet
Website Address and URL
Introduction to IP Address
ISP and Role of ISP
Internet Protocol
Modes of Connecting Internet
Identifying and uses of IP/MAC/IMEI
Popular Web Browsers
Exploring the Internet
Surfing the web
Popular Search Engines
Searching on Internet
Downloading Web Pages
Printing Web Pages
Using emails
Instant Messaging
Introduction to Blogs
Basics of Ecommerce
eGovernance Services
Digital Locker
eHospital (ORS)
Digital Financial Tools
Understanding OTP
Quick Response (QR) Code
Unified Payment Interface
Aadhaar Enabled Payment System
Point of Sale
Internet Banking
Introduction to Internet of Things
Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Virtual Reality
Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain Technology
3D Printing Additive Manufacturing
Robotics Process Automation
Cyber Security
Need of Cyber Security
Securing PC
Securing Smart Phone
Introduction to Futureskills
Module 2 - Web Designing And Publishing
Introduction of Internet
What is Website
How the Website Works
Web pages
Front End
Back End
Client and Server Scripting Languages
Responsive Web Designing
Static and Dynamic Websites
Sublime Text Editor
Making use of Editors
File creation and editing
Saving File
Introduction to HTML
Basic Structure of HTML
Headings in HTML
Paragraphs in HTML
Text Formatting in HTML
Line Break and Horizontal Line in HTML
Comment in HTML
HTML Entity
Creating Links in HTML
Image Linking in HTML
Link with Email and Phone
List in HTML
Ordered List
Unordered List
Definition List
Nested List
Insert Image in HTML
Relative and Absolute Path
Basic Table
Nested Table
Frameset in HTML
iFrame in HTML
Audio in html
Video in html
Embed in html
Introduction to CSS
CSS Versions History
Inline Style Sheets
Internal stylesheet
External Stylesheet
Element Selector
Class Selector
ID Selector
Pseudo Selector
Background Properties
Border Properties
Classification and Positioning Properties
Dimension Properties
Font Properties
List Properties
Margin Properties
Outline Properties
Padding Properties
Table Properties
Group Selector
Sub Selectors
Universal Selectors
Attribute Selectors
CSS Frameworks
W3.CSS Intro
W3.CSS Colors
W3.CSS Containers
W3.CSS Panels
W3.CSS Text
W3.CSS Tables
W3.CSS List
W3.CSS Grid
Overview of JavaScript
Embedding JavaScript
Variables and constants
Data types
JS Operators
Arrow functions
Function scope and closures
Array methods
Multidimensional arrays
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Selecting DOM elements
Manipulating DOM elements (changing content, styles, attributes)
Event handling
JS Mouse Events
JS Keyboard Events
JS Form Events
JS Window Events
JS Document Events
JS Drag Events
JS Clipboard Events
JS Media Events
Math Functions
String Functions
Array Functions
Date Functions
Type Conversion Functions
Utility Functions
Overview of AngularJS framework
History and evolution of AngularJS
Key features and advantages
Installing AngularJS
initializing a new AngularJS project
Project structure and file organization
Understanding directives in AngularJS
Built-in directives
Creating custom directives
Two-way data binding in AngularJS
Using expressions to bind data
Handling user input with data binding
JavaScript Comments
Features of Photo Editing
Selection Tools
Paint Tools
Transform Tools
Text Tool
Brightness and Contrast
Improve Colors and tone
Overview of Web Publishing
Web hosting Basics
Documents Interchange Standards
Components of Web Publishing
Document management
Web Page Design Consideration and Principles
Search and Meta Search Engines
Publishing Tools
Module 3 - Programming And Problem Solving Through Python
The basic Model of computation
Programming Languages
Testing and Debugging
Flow Chart Symbols
Basic algorithms flowcharts for sequential processing
decision based processing and iterative processing
Exchanging values of two variables
summation of a set of numbers
Decimal Base to Binary Base conversion
Reversing digits of an integer
GCD (Greatest Common Division) of two numbers
Test whether a number is prime
factorial computation
Fibonacci sequence
Evaluate ‘sin x’ as sum of a series
Reverse order of elements of an array
Find largest number in an array
Print elements of upper triangular matrix
Python Introduction
Technical Strength of Python
Introduction to Python Interpreter
identifiers and variables
Keywords in Python
Constants in Python
Built in Data types
Numbers in Python
Accepting input from Console
Printing Statements
Simple Python programs
Operators in Python
Type casting
Arithmetic Operation in Python
Relational Operator in Python
Logical Operator in Python
Bitwise operators in Python
Assignment Operators in Python
Membership and Identity Operator
if Statement in Python
if else in Pythpn
if elif else in Python
Iteration or Looping constructs
range function
While Statement
For loop
break statement
Continue Statement
Pass statement
Nested Loop
Operator Precedence and Associativity
List in Python
Tuple in Python
Sets in Pyhton
Dictionary in Pyhton
String in Python
built in function
Module Functions
User Defined Function
Local variables
the Return statement
Global Scope
Default argument
Keyword Arguments
VarArgs parameters
Library function
Numeric Functions
Date and Time Functions
return multiple value
Concept of Files
File opening in various modes
Reading from a file
Writing onto a file
File functions
Command Line arguments
Scope of objects and Names
Module Basics
Module Files as Namespaces
Import Model
Random Module
Introduction to NumPy
datatypes NumPy
array attributes
array creation routines
Array From Existing Data
Array From Numerical Ranges
Indexing & Slicing
Arithmetic Operations on numPy Array
Module 4 - Internet Of Things And Its Applications
Overview of IOT
Characteristics of IOT
Building blocks of IOT
IoT architecture and levels
IoT Ecosystem
Type of Network in IoT
Technologies used in IoT
Communication Protocols
IoT Enabling Technologies
Building block of IoT
Functional Block of IoT
Introduction to Control System
Type of Control System
Connectivity Models
Different type of modes
Transmission Media
Introduction to Arduino IDE
Writing code in sketch
compiling and debugging
working with Arduino board
Embedded C Language basics
Variables and Identifiers
Built-in Data Types
Operators and Expressions
Constants and Literals
Conditional Statement
Interfacing sensors
Serial communication
Need of security in IoT
Privacy for IoT enabled devices
IoT security for consumer devices
Security levels
protecting IoT devices
Future IoT eco system
Need of power full core for building secure algorithms
Examples for new trends - AI
ML penetration to IoT
Personality Development
Determinants of Personality
Time management
Stress management
Etiquettes and manners
Communication and writing skills
Attributes and categories of communication
Writing Skills
Interview skills and body language
Module 5 - Data Structure Though Object Oriented Programming Language
Module 6 - Computer Organization and Operating System
Module 7 - Database Technologies
Module 8 - Systems Analysis, Design and Testing
Module 9 - Big Data Analytics using Hadoop
Module 10 - Data Science using Python
Module 11 - Web Application using PHP
Module 12 - Full Stack Web Development using MVC Framework
Module 13 - Network Management
Module 14 - Information Security Management
Module 15 - Internet of Things (IoT) a Practical Approach
Module 16 - Internet of Things (IoT)using Raspberry Pi
Module 17 - Artificial Intelligence Concepts and R Programming
Module 18 - Machine Learning using Python