Adds color to an image
Paints with a selected history state or snapshot
Adjusts image brightness and contrast
Creates custom shapes
Clone Stamp
Press Ctrl + N (Windows) or Command + N (Mac)
Click on the "New Layer" button in the Layers panel
Select "File > New" from the menu
Press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac)
Add decorative filters to an image
Change the image resolution
Adjust the canvas size
Apply gradient fills
Google Maps
To change the file format
To adjust the color balance
To organize different elements of an image separately
To resize the image
Change the layers transparency
Apply a solid color overlay to a layer
Crop the layer
Adjust the layers blending mode
Lasso Tool
Magic Wand Tool
Rectangular Marquee Tool
Quick Selection Tool
The color intensity of an image
The transparency of a layer or brushstroke
The sharpness of an image
The color temperature of an image
Adds text to images
Adjusts image saturation
Blurs the background of an image
From the "Filter" menu
Using the "Brush Tool"
In the "View" menu
By adjusting the canvas size
By using the "Drop Shadow" filter
By selecting the "Drop Shadow" option in the Layers Style menu
By applying the "Gaussian Blur" filter
By using the "Texture" filter
By selecting the "Apply Texture" option in the "Layer Style" menu
By using the "Magic Wand" tool
Drawing freehand shapes
Making precise selections based on color
Adding text to images
Applying gradient fills
To increase image brightness
To enhance the edge contrast and make the image look clearer
To add a vignette effect
To change the image hue
By using the "Warp" option in the "Edit" menu
By using the "Distort" option in the "Transform" menu
By applying the "Sharpen" filter
Digital Photo Integration
Dots Per Inch
Direct Pixel Interaction
Document Processing Interface
The Gamut
Color Model
None of the above
Makes precise selections based on color
Quickly selects areas of an image based on similarity
By using the "Gradient Tool" and selecting a preset gradient
By using the "Eraser Tool"
Brush tool
Clone Stamp tool
Gradient tool
Magic Wand tool
Blurs the edges of an image
Applies a selected pattern to an image
The size of the image itself
The size of the workspace or editing area
The resolution of the image
The opacity of a layer
Microsoft Paint
Adobe Photoshop
Windows Photo Viewer
VLC Media Player
Draws freehand shapes
Creates custom shapes from a predefined set
Press Ctrl + D (Windows) or Command + D (Mac)
Use the "Duplicate Layer" option in the "Layer" menu
Apply the "Sharpen" filter
Filters applied to an image
Methods for combining layers and colors in different ways
Adjusting image brightness and contrast
Converting color images to grayscale
By using the "Paint Bucket" tool
By selecting the "New Swatch" option in the Swatches panel
To save images for printing
To optimize and save images for web use
To create animated GIFs
To resize images
Eraser Tool
Text Tool
Paint Bucket Tool
Clone Stamp Tool
By using the "Shape Tool" from the toolbar
Samples and measures color values in an image
Microsoft Excel
Paints colors onto an image
Selects areas based on color
To create smooth transitions between multiple colors
To add noise to the image
To convert the image to black and white
Selects pixels with similar colors
Measures the distance between two points
Creates gradients
Measures distances and angles in an image
Selects a color from an image for painting or editing
Microsoft Word
Adobe Photoshop Express
Google Chrome
By selecting the "Custom Brush" option in the Brushes panel
By applying the "Blur" filter
Draw freehand shapes
Move entire paths or shapes in an image
Apply color to selected areas
Adjust image saturation
The color depth of an image
The file format of an image
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) in an image
The physical dimensions of an image