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Qus :

Match the CSS Attribute Selector with Its Function

CSS Attribute SelectorFunction
A. [type="text"]1. Selects all elements that have a title attribute
B. [title]2. Selects input fields with the type exactly as "text"
C. [href^="https"]3. Selects all <a> tags where href starts with "https"
D. [class~="btn"]4. Selects elements whose class attribute contains "btn" as a separate word
5. Selects elements where class contains "btn" anywhere in the value
6. Selects elements where href contains "https" anywhere in the URL

QusCSS विशेषता चयनकर्ता को उसके कार्य से मिलाएँ

A. A → 2, B → 5, C → 3, D → 4
B. A → 2, B → 6, C → 3, D → 4
C. A → 5, B → 1, C → 3, D → 4
D. A → 2, B → 1, C → 3, D → 4

D. A → 2, B → 1, C → 3, D → 4

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