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Qus : What will be the result of the following expression in Python “2 ** 3 + 5 ** 2”?
Qusपायथन में निम्नलिखित अभिव्यक्ति "2 ** 3 + 5 ** 2" का परिणाम क्या होगा?

A. 65536
B. 33
C. 169
D. None of the above

B. 33


The expression 2 ** 3 + 5 ** 2 in Python will be evaluated as follows:

  • 2 ** 3 calculates the value of 2 raised to the power of 3, which is 8.
  • 5 ** 2 calculates the value of 5 raised to the power of 2, which is 25.

The results of these two calculations are then added together: 8+25.

So, the result of the expression 2 ** 3 + 5 ** 2 is 33.

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