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Qus : Examples of output devices are
Qusआउटपुट डिवाइस के उदाहरण हैं

A. Monitor
B. Printer
C. Speaker
D. All of these

D. All of these


Output devices are hardware components that display or present information from a computer. Here are some examples of output devices:

  • Monitor/Display: Displays visual information generated by the computer, including text, graphics, and videos.
  • Printer: Produces a hard copy of documents, images, or other content from the computer.
  • Speaker: Outputs audio and sound generated by the computer, including music, system sounds, and voice.
  • Projector: Displays computer-generated content onto a large screen or surface, commonly used for presentations.
  • Headphones: Similar to speakers, they output audio and allow the user to listen to sounds privately.
  • Plotter: Outputs vector graphics by drawing lines on paper, often used for architectural or engineering designs.
  • Braille Display: Converts digital text into Braille characters for visually impaired users.
  • 3D Printer: Creates physical objects layer by layer based on digital 3D models.
  • LED/LCD Panel: Used in various devices like smart TVs, digital signage, and information displays.
  • Haptic Devices: Provide tactile feedback, such as vibrating controllers or force feedback in gaming.
  • E-book Reader: Displays digital books and documents in an electronic format.
  • Fax Machine: Transmits a scanned image or document over a telephone line.
  • Digital Camera: Captures and stores digital images and videos.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Headset: Displays immersive virtual environments for users.
  • Wearable Devices: Devices like smartwatches or smart glasses that display information on a small screen.

These devices play a crucial role in allowing users to interact with and consume information from computers in various forms.

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