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Qus : Which menu is the Goal Seek option in LibreOffice Calc?
Qusलिबरऑफिस कैल्क में गोल सीक विकल्प किस मेनू में है?

A. Insert
B. Data
C. Tools
D. View

C. Tools

In LibreOffice Calc, the Goal Seek option can be found in the "Tools" menu. Here's how you can access it: Open your LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet. Select the cell that contains the formula you want to adjust. Go to the "Tools" menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen. From the "Tools" menu, choose "Goal Seek." The Goal Seek tool allows you to set a target value for a particular formula by adjusting the value of another cell. It's a useful feature for solving what-if scenarios or working backward to find the input needed to achieve a desired output.

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